I have a special for my book WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING. This is a 408 page hard back book with a beautiful dust jacket. 33 chapters of the life principles of our friend Dr. Jack Hyles.
If you have a book table this book sells very well. They normally sell for $25 a book. This month they are being sold for $10 a book in a case of 16 plus S/H. I believe this might make a great gift. Thousands have been sold and there are a few hundred left in the warehouse in MN.
Give me a call – 903-237-9019 – or email me @ [email protected] and I’ll make sure they are shipped right away to you.
Appreciate all you do for the cause of Christ. We are in the fight of our life and I am glad to be in the same army with you.
Dr. Bob Gray Sr.
Ps. 84:11