My Supreme Confidence in My Supreme God in Spite of this “Supreme” Court
Have you ever heard the saying, “It ain’t over until the fat lady sings?” Well, I have some amazing news my dear troubles Christians. It ain’t over until our Lord decides it is over.
I have received so many notes from Christians who are troubled almost to the point of despair over yesterday’s court ruling. While I am not happy with what those five individuals ruled (four dissented) I am far from discouraged about it. In fact I am energized.
- I am energized that God is in control.
- I am energized that nothing happens that God does not allow.
- I am energized that truth is still truth and a court cannot change that.
- I am energized that I am saved and on my way to Heaven.
- I am energized that we may be counted worthy suffer for His name.
- I am energized that the Gospel still saves souls and I plan on sharing that Gospel with someone today.
- I am energized that my name is written in Heaven
- I am energized that I am blood bought and blood washed.
- I am energized that no one can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
- I am energized that I have been given the honor of serving Him for over 40 years.
- I am energized for the victories won and those still to be won.
- I am energized that I am still able to preach His Word.
- I am energized that one day every knee shall bow and confess that He is Lord.
- I am energized that God never changes, in spite of how we do.
- I am energized that I am able to being to an old fashioned independent Baptist church that still preaches the truth.
- I am energized that I know I am on the winning side.
You see, over these years this old preacher has seen what God can do. I have tried to be faithful, but God has always remained faithful. I did not wake up discouraged this morning.
- I woke up energized with the founding of Independent Baptist Online College that is being raised up to train another generation of preachers.
- I woke up energized with a goal of helping plant 5,000 churches in the next 10 years.
- I woke up energized by a conference call that Russell Anderson and I will be conducting this afternoon with dozens of my pastor friends.
- I woke up energized by more goals at almost 70 years of age than I had when I was 29, 30, 49, or 59.
- I woke up energized by another new book I am writing on the ministry philosophies of my mentor, Dr. Jack Hyles.
My discouraged friend, stop wallowing in your sorrow and start working for your Savior. As Abraham of old did for Sodom, I plan to keep going to the Lord on behalf of this nation. I am not riding off into the sunset. I am going off to war. We need every soldier to gird their loins with the truth and stay in the battle.
America is in trouble, but that means we must bear down even more on behalf of our nation. As the Lord said to Joshua, “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” That is my charge to all of us.